Our trip was a loop, and our trailhead we started at was different from where we ended.
Instead of driving two cars, we went in one and Chris and I drove to the end of the loop, and
hitched a ride back to the trailhead. Luke and AJ waited with our stuff. This sign is at the
trailhead where we started. Yosemite has very well marked trails and intersections. We only
had 6.9 miles to go according to this sign.
Our first view of Half-Dome!
... and the Valley! You can see the Merced River and all the cars parked down in the Valley.
And a great view from Yosemite Point!
Chris checking out the view.
Look facing Half-Dome.
AJ taking pictures too.
This is the bridge over Yosemite Creek right where the Falls usually are. Since it was such a
low snow year, the creek had dried up and only had a few pools in it, no water flowing.
It was still a very popular place. A lot of people came up here from the valley (3,000 ft.
below) as a day-hike. This is the largest pool of water near the edge of Yosemite "Falls".
The second day, we did a day hike from camp to the top of El Capitan, a popular rock climbing
destination. We didn't see any climbers, but we did see a lot of smoke! This is a tree on top
of El Capitan.
Chris Taking pictures toward Half Dome with all the smoke. Glad we got a better view the day before!
Chris always seems to like to get right up to the edge of everything. This is the direction
where climbers would come up.
This bright green moss really stood out against the dark tree trunk.